These very simple and decorative marquitos marked presence in that wall, were grouped to fill an important gap. I will paint them white and neutral funds were covered with various designs of fabrics and colors. Divine idea to change a bit and leave the classic childhood Prints!
En este caso se mantuvo un estilo rústico y moderno! Juntos logramos este efecto… Maderas viejas y una linda terminación con LOVE.
Mil colores, distintas combinaciones podes elegir para hacer tu respaldo de cama.
This cute cabinet ideal size and super helpful dealings is beloved by their owners. We therefore was commissioned change is serious and formal style for a warmer tone and with a patina, to leave it more rustic! This was the result…
This photo shows the wood of an old cornerback Bar, it can be seen that the effect is a wood molding when sanding and takes its color and natural state…and that this time her owner we contract to take full luster. The molding can play your tunes, give different movements and other charm.
Estilo francés, se pinto con un color blanco totalmente natural…sus tiradores de bronce original se mantienen con su historia, dando un contraste a este moderno cambio.
Este escritorio tiene un valor afectivo ademas de su amplio espacio, fue pátinado blanco envejecido. Su tamaño cómodo y su simpleza hacen que este reciclado lo destaque.
Muestra de decapé.
El decapé es una de nuestras pátinas favoritas, son millones las combinaciones que podemos realizar. La que ven acá tiene una base de color fucsia, una mano de laca, parafina y el color predominante de arriba es un blanco cortado con una gota de ocre! Nosotros somos quienes determinamos que tan gastado o descascarado queremos el trabajo, lo pueden hacer con los colores que se les ocurra.
Antique frames.
They are old for many but we rejuvenate in shades of green but exchanging the paint tones and adapt them to each board! Giving a funny idea to decorate and leave notes at home.
Wooden cubes.
Estos cubos de madera (estilo puff) son ideales para guardar zapatos, cuadernos, lo que se te ocurra. Su tapa nos permite mantener una privacidad del orden y ademas usarlo como asiento…tan conocidos como puff. Este fue encargado en color negro con frases en ingles blancas.
Coca cola Perchero.
The hangers are always useful, this time with an old box of coco cola, rather run, perform this coat boy. We use one of your tables, where is the original brand label colors and texture.
Recycling bank.
This bank was totally recycling, a worn green turquoise was used for the legs, making it appear a little white. A cap was made decoupage technique and the same charge life. Our customers enjoy something as useful as this nice bank
Marcos con forma de caja.
Son modernos, muy combinables y lindos! Los marcos con forma de caja dejan que las fotos no pierdan protagonismo, este tipo de enmarcado que parece casi sencillo le da una terminación que no se puede explicar con palabras si no con hechos. Nuestra clienta nos encargo el trabajo, pidiendo que no sean los marcos mas importante que sus tiernas fotos! y así fue, este enmarcado en caja dejo que su pared se llenara les dio la terminación necesaria a la foto pero no dejo que perdieran su protagonismo. Pintados en blanco y con un fondo de passeparteout blanco.
Framework for caravans.
With a golden old frame orginally what skated with white, se le coloco un tejidito en la parte de atrás y lo transformamos rápidamente en un divertido objeto donde guardar esas hermosas caravanas!!!
This attractive centerpiece is a mix of colors, achieving a very interesting patina. Its green color, white, red, madera y el betún nos permitieron darle este efecto! We added some representative words…
Juego de dormitorio.
Sin lugar a duda las modas van cambiando y evidentemente con los años nos aburre el mismo tono. En este caso este juego de dormitorio se encontraba en perfectas condiciones buena madera y con un valor afectivo muy importante. Lo cual se nos encargo aclararlo y con nuestra patina blanco envejecido logramos que ese juego de dormitorio quedara mas cálido, realzando esas lindas molduras que el mismo tiene. De esta forma se logro que quedara como nuevo pero manteniendo su estilo e historia.
Comfortable furniture.
Otra de nuestras transformaciones, esta divina cómoda estilo americana fue encargada para adaptarla en un living para darle uso como mueble y ya no como cómoda. Por lo tanto le sacamos dos cajones del medio y le adaptamos un estante, con una patina blanco envejecido cambio totalmente su estilo, ahora quedo con mas espacio donde guardar objetos, revistas etc
Se encontraba en color madera, pero para este dormitorio necesitábamos algo mas alegre y moderno. Se patino toda en blanco gastado y el fondo de la misma de pinto con un tono de verde idéntico a una pared del dormitorio, visualmente el blanco hizo que su tamaño parezca menor, es un efecto óptico que nos da el color blanco
Mirror frame.
Hecho en madera color nogal con una varilla sin moldura, chata de 7 cm de frente por 1 de costado, ideal para cualquier lugar de la casa super combinable nunca pasa de moda. Lo podes encargar en el color y tamaño que necesites.
Mirror frame
With this original form of carving we find a mirror in wood color white to give our worn patina leaving carving appear as squares life collection, Now highlight your drawing and reliefs. Undoubtedly this is wonderful patina.
Mirror frame
It was skated with white aged, outlining every detail that has this beautiful antique mirror frame. Always remember that it is important to feel comfortable visually where we live…
Los marquitos son de yeso pintados en color blanco y con fondos de distintas telas , colores, texturas y diseños. Fueron encargados para ser colgados de forma grupal, comos se ven presentados. Para la pared de un dormitorio infantil. La idea se puede llevar a cabo en cualquier lugar siempre que se seleccionen bien los diseños.
Backup bed or poster…
You can use it and call whatever you like! It is made with old tables work, treated but leaving its natural appearance, old. On the left side has a key…and in the lower right is a phrase (We are adventurers in search of our treasure). Thus we get the wood to life, giving a touch of termination.
The symbol of love and peace can be very significant and yet decorativo.Esta made of wood MDF and was lined with a fun and colorful spring fabric, you can do as you like guste..color and size, you only got to cheer.
MDF Letters
Wooden letters lined with fabric shade of green water and its edges painted white, form the name (NACHO) ideal for decorating a library shelf, a table of sweets and what comes to mind.
As we saw before, the vegetable drawers are infinite things we can do with them, This nice little table with wheels can be used both as a table and also to store some magazines, etc inside. Accompanying his style was the old little door that we made to hang caravans! Both with a patina in green water white and wood, very old and peeled!
Paint them color that you like this style of chair and fashionable openly peromite patinarlas us the color you like best! Recorda always to contrast fabric upholstery and tone of the patina, that way you get a nice effect. Eg this unforgettable green with a printed canvas but its predominant background is white.
Backup bed
Este Respaldo de cama con esterillado fue patinado en tonos de beige jugando con el color original de su madera y sus molduras logramos esta patina tan linda y super combinable para cualquier mueble, su esterillado y forma nos remarcan su antigüedad, su esterillado permite que juguemos a mezclar los tonos y lograr ese efecto visual que lo determina.
Puerta blackboard
I present this recycled as fun and original this divine walnut wood door it was with a frosted glass in yellow tone. As part of a bedroom where his style did not match we were asked to change their presence. What we did was skate the entire door in white tone, the spent playing with beautiful moldings having the same, dando así un cambio importante y adaptándola al nuevo dormitorio y para finalizar con pintura pizarron pintamos el vidrio dejando un espacio donde puedan dejar mensajes, phrases, etc..
Antique chair
She skated very important green! A color with personality, I was upholstered with a very nice printed canvas wood tones. The moldings of the chair were worn to emphasize his divine style. The Old bronze colored studs accompany the termination edges.
Comfortable furniture
The identify with that name because originally it was a comfortable, but then our client requested to change the style, then what we did was eliminate him the last drawer, adding a shelf in place thereof. Thus the change was noticeable. Its patina made with white and well worn and aged bitumen gave a significant presence in place!!!
Key holder with cork.
The keys are easily lost forever, this time we create a key holder shaped mural small to have it near the door. We add also a bit of cork, if someone in the house wants to leave before it a note or an important role!. The rest of the mural, is lined with beautiful ecru and he affixed the word LOVE can not miss in any household!!!
Old glazier
This glazier was recycled with very delicate white worn! The clear tone for this type of furniture that are originally so dark, make their size is reduced markedly, brightening and space where the Group.
Folding chairs
They are eternal super useful wooden folding! This time they found themselves in strong colors, then to blend with their environment and lose its color, is skated with white colors but making it appear that they had, decape famous patina.
Chair rustica
This little chair he left her well rustic and worn, old achieving good appearance and seat rest thereof. On the back was upholstered with a rustic linen ecru and a silver studs! With a small footprint ideal for a bedroom or next to a couch.
Decorative Poster, Decorative significant for some people to other! patinated wood pieces made in various shades and sizes! Ideal par fill a gap in a wall!
This book shaped table was all dark! The owners wanted to highlight its original model (book) so what we did was clarify what would become the leaves with a white patina and aged book cover with a shade of red aged bitumen! Thus living table book form enhances its, has more life and decorate the room.
Rocking Chair
With a sentimental value came to us this cute rocker,was made a worn patina in tones of red…spending edges and trim for a touch of old but modern and fun at the same time. Now their owners can enjoy it again.
Divine for timber condition and more. They try to keep the main frame, where is located the biggest mirror and two small doors with natural wood origin. The rest was given the aged white patina to visualize warmer and give a modern twist!
Comfortable American style
Was totally recycled, its original color clear tone marked their era, ahora a la misma se llevo a un color chocolate tratando de adaptarla a otros muebles del ambiente! their shooters remain with their original color.
Wooden bench
Was recycled for use in a kitchen give, which we commissioned in shades of the same! green apple spent on edges with decoupage work in the collection tapa.Ya life and can be very useful in anywhere in the home.
Nightstand drawer
Si son observadores se habrán dado cuenta que los cajones de verduras pueden ser utilizados para mil cosa! En esta oportunidad realizamos una mesita que le pueden dar mas de un uso. Tanto de apoyo como también para guardar revistas, libros etc. Le colocamos ruedas el cual le da un aspecto rustico y moderno a la vez. Se pinto con celeste tono elegido por nuestra clienta!
Old bench
The recycle all, from its color to its upholstery, play with beautiful carving that has this cute sidewalk. In tone white worn, leaving its wood carving appear and enhancing its. Upholstery fabric in gray was chosen to combine with other objects in the room, so I'll take the sidewalk to client shows.
Antique chair.
Was recycled for a bedroom, se patino la madera en blanco envejecido y se tapizo con un lino estampado (daily rate) mezclando los estilos, giving a twist to its original state.
Support table
Divine wooden table support was made a worn white patina to play give a more rustic and modern effect, con estas patas finas y su tapa angosta les permite exhibirla en cualquier lugar de la casa.
The beautiful table with carved legs does nothing but draw our attention! Our client chose a warm color not so heavy leave visually because its legs and say it all…beautiful Lightbox. Patinada en blanco envejecido!
French style with some original cute shooters, preserving its style and antiquity, the rest of the table was recycled blank aged patina allowing it to adapt to any color of the room where it will be located!
was aged white patina, worn on some edges to give it more movement while respecting its style and maintaining the urinal color of its handles! It is a super combinable color in any style and environment.!
Su modelo no tiene desperdicio, sus molduras tanto en las terminaciones como en sus patas! Fueron ideales para hacerle el famoso decape, blanco gastado. Jugar con los bordes y sus molduras fue un placer y así quedo la mesita.
French style Lightbox
Su diseño no deja de ser encantador, por eso el color, patina o diseño que se les ocurra realizar en ellas queda divino! En esta oportunidad se nos encargo que fuera blanca blanca! con el detalle de la tapa color rosa para combinarla con otro objeto del dormitorio! Así de sutil y encantadora quedo esta mesita de luz.